My name is Piotr Grela. My adventure with trading in futures’ markets started somewhere in 1996. I have been interested in trading financial instruments ever since I remember.
To make right investment decisions in futures’ markets, stocks, or Forex requires long enough experience. Not to mention ability for quick response in such a dynamic environment.
About me
Over 20 years of my professional experience in this area, combined with pure passion and devotion, supports decision-making process taken while trading.
I am currently one of the few experts in the world, which Joe DiNapoli himself appointed and named “DiNapoli Expert”.
At the same time one of the few Authorized Trainers of Joe DiNapoli’s trading techniques.
As one of only three Authorized Trainers around the world I run Advanced Private Seminars for traders
This means that Joe DiNapoli has recognized that only those few people out of many hundreds or thousands of traders so far have become familiar with his strategies sufficiently enough to be able to express their opinions and explain in detail, whether on internet forums or at seminars, on his techniques. Trading strategies used by him have changed my approach to the technical analysis which has thus enabled me to be more successful. Today, when I am using the acquired knowledge to trade on various markets, I would like to share it You
When the Polish capital market was being created in the early 1990s I was personally involved in the development of a company which I organized jointly with other partners to conduct physical trading in agricultural commodities. It was at that time that my adventure with the futures markets and hedging of physical cash positions on the largest commodities exchange in the world (the Chicago Board of Trade) really began. Our company was the first Polish enterprise on that market to have an investment account destined for that purpose. Through all those years I have become closely familiar with the structure of those markets wherein I have been an active trader to this day.
The most important for me are
Beneficial prospects based on DiNapoli analysis – is the basis of trades taken by me, no matter if it is gold, soybeans, coffee, crude oil futures or any stocks or Forex currencies.
Freedom of choice – is the basis for me to make right trading decisions. In futures markets trading position can be opened either from the long side ( buy contracts “long” ) or from a short side of the market ( sell contracts “short” ) Markets which offer such solutions these days also include stocks, Forex market or so popular lately investment products like CFD ( Contracts for Difference ) and ETF (Exchange Traded Funds). I avoid markets which do not offer such opportunities.
Current legal regulations allow all active investors to conduct transactions practically on all the markets of the world.
All one has to do is open an investment account, make an accurate analysis and begin to trade.
But what determines success in trading is to understand market environment which was created by other traders, exchange of opinions and analysis. It is also a constant learning and observation of this environment.
To summarize:
- I am an individual trader
- I am DiNapoli Expert and Authorized Trainer – helping others to achieve what I already did
- I’m not a portfolio manager for the client nor trade on client’s behalf
Piotr Grela
- Trader – trading actively on the futures’ markets, stocks and Forex already 20 years
- DiNapoli Expert and Authorized Trainer for over 10 years now
- Conducting Private Seminars and Advanced Private Seminars for better understanding of DiNapoli techniques
- Publisher of weekly report on the financial markets “MasterSwingNewsletter”
- Author of the book “Futures’ markets – Concepts and Trading Systems” published in 2009 ( in Polish )
- One of the world’s DiNapoli Expert
- The only Polish DiNapoli Expert!
Lectures & Presentations:
- The first ever Polish Trader conducting training at the prestigious The Traders’ Expo in New York in February 2016
- Conducting lectures during MoneyExpo Trading in Prague and ForexExpo in Moscow in 2015
- The first Polish who led the presentation in November 2013 during the famous The World Money Show in London
- The first Polish conducting training at the worldwide known The Traders’ Expo in London in March 2012
- Conducting training during known in Europe “The WallStreet Conference” and various workshops organized by the Polish Private Investors’ Association
- Being regularly interviewed on various TV financial programs on status of the financial markets